国家地区河南  三门峡
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三门峡市位于豫、陕、晋三省交界的黄河金三角地区,西接关中、东守中原、南望荆楚、北邻三晋,是郑西高铁、连霍高速、陇海铁路等多重交集的战略要地,素有“黄河明珠”、“天鹅之城”等美誉,是一座新兴的中西部城市。 三门峡国际文博城是市委市政府投资12亿元建成的一个集会展中心和体育场两大主体建筑为一体的大型商贸、娱乐健身场地,设计被称为“金盆聚宝”,它坐落于美丽的“白天鹅”湖畔,南邻崤函,北依黄河,交通便利,环境优美,核心区占地32公顷,总建筑面积14万平方米,总停车位1800余个,日均客流量达2万余人次。 会展中心共分为上下两层展厅,首层展厅建筑面积5548㎡,标准展位292个,二层展厅建筑面积8347㎡,标准展位456个。主要配置有先进的展厅照明系统、背景音乐系统、消防控制水炮系统、闭路电视监控系统及展位配电系统,可举办各类重型机械展、汽车展、建筑及安居展、农业及土特产展,二层展厅还可举办5000人左右的大型演出活动。会展中心常年对外承接各类大型展会,是黄河“金三角”地区功能设备最完善,布局最合理,服务最优质的一座多功能会展场所。 黄河明珠、天鹅之城诚邀各类展商抢占豫陕晋三省广阔商机! Located in the Yellow River's golden triangle area in Henan, Shannxi, and Shanxi, SanMenxia is a strategic point where Zheng-west high speed rail, Lianhuo highway, and Longhai rail way cross. It is a newly risen midwest city, which is known as "Pearl of the Yellow River" and "The city of Swan". SanMenxia international cultural exibition center, which is composed of an exibition center and a stadium, is a large site for commerce, entertainment and fitness. The municipal government invested 1.2 billion to build this center, whose appearance is like a golden basin, means cornucopia. Provided with convenient transportation and beautiful envoironment, it is located in the "White Swan" lakeside, south to the Xiao moutain and Hangu pass, north to the Yellow River, welcomes more than 20,000 customers eveery day. Center's core area covers 32 hectare, with total building area of 140,000m2, and more than 1800 parking spaces. Exibition center is divided into two floors. The first floor covers 5,548m2, and contains 302 standard booths, while the second floor covers 8,347m2, and can hold 456 standard booths. Main facilities including advanced illuminator, background music system, fire control system, closed-circuit TV monitor system, and electric distribution system, which are capable of holding all kinds of exhibitions such as heavy-duty machinery, automobile, construction, agriculture or local specialty. The second floor is capable of holding large-scale performance which accommodates 5000 people. With the best functioning facilities, most reasonable layout and top-quality service in Yellow River's golden triangle area, SanMenxia international cultural exibition center undertakes all kinds of external exhibition through out the year.



